" If the truth were self-evident


would be unnecessary "

About Us

Debate & Eloquence Club

Eloquentia Maastricht is the debate and eloquence student association of Maastricht University. Founded in 2021 by our current Co-Presidents, Eloquentia Debate & Eloquence Club is a student-run association concerned with developing students’ articulation, critical thinking and argumentation through debate sessions and various eloquence formats.

On top of these weekly events, Eloquentia also organises social events for its members, collaborations with other associations as well as larger scale events. After a very successful first year of existence filled with great events and collaborations... The best is yet to come!


Eloquentia enables students to improve their public speaking skills and discuss relevant social, political and philosophical issues

Eloquentia does this by hosting weekly meetings of approximately two hours, alternating between British Parliamentary Style (BPS) Debates and our very own eloquence formats including speech competitions, sales pitches and creative-thinking dialogues. Every session is evaluated by a panel of Eloquentia’s Board, thus granting participants the opportunity to receive constructive feedback.


Whether you’re curious about debates, try-outs or

want to find out about our next event feel free to reach out.